Mehrdad CheshmehSorabi is a Professor and Head of the Department of Knowledge and Information Science at the University of Isfahan. He obtained his Ph.D. in Information and Communication Sciences from Grenoble Alps University (France, 2006). His teaching and research focus on different aspects of DIKS (Data, Information, Knowledge, and Science) such as formation, classification, storage, retrieval, analysis, use, application, assessment, evaluation, and ethics. He teaches courses on Semantic Web and Ontology (SWO), Knowledge and Ontology Engineering (KOE), Science Classification and Development, History of Science, Information Retrieval and Storage, Indexing and Abstracting, Management Information Systems (MIS), Data Mining, and Text Analysis and Knowledge Mining. He published numerous articles in Iranian and international journals.
Grenoble Alps University [Grenoble-France]
Ph.D., Information & Communication Sciences
Tarbiat Modares University [Tehran-Iran]
M.A. , Information Science
University of Tehran [Tehran-Iran]
B.A. , Library and Information Science
My research interests include:
- Information Analysis,
- Information Retrieval,
- Knowledge Organization,
- Science & Technology Studies (STS),
- Scientometrics & Bibliometrics,
- Data mining, Text Mining, & Big Data,
- ScientoMining,
- Research Ethics, and
- Library & Information Science.
Specifically, I am interested in understanding and developing 1) Science Evolution (Science', how is it formed?), 2) Research and Science Evaluation (Is science measureable?), 3) Formation of meaning in Semantic Web and Semantic Retrieval (Meaning, how is it formed in semantic Web?), 4) ScientoMining (A new method for extracting, analyzing, evaluating, and discovering knowledge).Articles
Farkhari, F., CheshmehSohrabi, M. & Karshenas, H. (2024). Smart library: Reflections on concepts, aspects and technologies. Journal of Information Science.
Keshvari, M. & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2024). Visualization of Hot Topics and Global Trends in Community Librarianship (With an Emphasis on the Role of Public Libraries). Public Library Quarterly (PLQ).
Farkhari, F., CheshmehSohrabi, M., Karshenas, H. & Azimi, M.H.(2024). Analyzing the Opportunities and Challenges of Smart Libraries. Journal of National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization (NASTINFO).
Saadat,R, Shabani,A., Asemi, A., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Tavakolizadeh Ravari, M.(2024). Identifying the Patterns of Author-Generated Tags to Library and Information Science Papers in the Academic Social Networks: Focusing on Knowledge Organization(KO), 51 (1), 26-38.
Mahmoudi Topkanlo, H., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2023). Identification and classification of evaluation indicators for scientific and technical publications and related factors. Information Research, 28 (1), 78-105.
Hajian Hoseinabad, A., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2022). Proposing a New Combined Indicator for Measuring Search Engine Performance and Evaluating Google, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and Bing Search Engines based on Combined Indicator. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science (JOLIS).
CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Mashhadi, A. (2022). Using Data Mining, Text Mining, and Bibliometric Techniques to the Research Trends and Gaps in the Field of Language and Linguistics. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research.
Asadnia, A., CheshmehSohrabi, M., Shabani, A., Asemi, A., & Taheri Demneh, M. (2021). Future of information retrieval systems and the role of library and information science experts in their development. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 55 (1), 177-190.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Sadati. EA. (2021). Performance evaluation of web search engines in image retrieval: An experimental study. Information Development, 38 (4), 522-534. doi:10.1177/02666669211010211.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., Shabani, R. & Shirdavani, S. (2022). Tops and trends in Iranian cancer research: a bibliometric analysis. The Archives of Iranian Medicine (AIM), 25 (4), 224-234. 10.34172/aim.2022.38.
Mohammadi Ostani, M., CheshmehSohrabi, M., Taheri, S.M, Shabani, A., and Asemi, A. (2021). Localization of for describing Iranian-Islamic information context's manuscripts. Knowledge Organization , 45 (5), 345-356.
CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2021). Undergraduate Curriculum of Knowledge and Information Science in Need of Reconstruction. Journal of National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization (NASTINFO), 32 (2), 77-104. 10.30484/NASTINFO.2021.2901.2053.
Baghmohammad, M., Mansouri, A., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2020). Identification of Topic Development Process of Knowledge and Information Science Field Based on the Topic Modeling (LDA). Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 36(2).
Asadnia, A., CheshmehSohrabi, M., Shabani, A., Asemi, A., & Taheri Demneh, M. (2021). Identifying Key Factors Affecting on Future of text information retrieval: A Cross-Impact Analysis Method. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 36 (3), 861-892.
Ghasemi alvari, M., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2020). Quantitative and Critical Analysis of Digital Library Research in Iran. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 35 (4), 921-952.
Movahedian, G., Shabani, A., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Asemi, A. (2020). Explanation of the Rhizomatic Approach in Knowledge and Information Organization Systems with Emphasis on Web Space. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 35 (3), 817-846.
CheshmehSohrabi, M. & Dehkhodaei, R. (2020). Evaluation of Journals of the Knowledge and Information Science Field based on Regulations on Determining the Credibility of the Iranian Scientific Journals. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 31(2), 8-20.
Asadnia, A., CheshmehSohrabi, M., Shabani, A., Asemi, A., & Taheri Demneh, M. (2020). Future of Textual Information Retrieval Systems. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 31(3), 12-26.
Hajian, A., & CheshmehSohrabi, M.(2020). Ranking and Relevance in Noormags and RICEST Databases. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 31(3), 72-92.
Movahedian, G., Shabani, A., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Asemi, A. (2020). Otherness in Library Organization Systems vs. Social Tagging. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 31(3), 58-71.
Mohammadi Ostani, M., CheshmehSohrabi, M., Shabani, A., Asemi, A., & Taheri, S.M. (2019). Methodology Explanation of and Analysis of its Approach to the Processing and Organization of Web Content Objects. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 34 (4), 1767-1798.
Shabani, A., Azargoon, M., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Asemi, A. (2019). Identification of Effective Contexts in Creation of Query Suggestions: a Systematic Review. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 35 (1), 141-172.
Kiani, M., Asemi, A., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Shabani, A. (2019). Analysis of Bioinformatics Research Trends Available in the Clarivate Database.. Health Information Management, 16(6), 294-300.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., Pashootanizadeh, M., & Oroji, Z. (2019). Study of marketing dimensions of library goods and services in the Isfahan academic libraries. . Modern Marketing Research, 9 (1), 53-68.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Ebrahimi Dorcheh, E. (2019). Comparative Study of Science Classification Systems and Library Bibliographic Classification Schedules. Library and Information Sciences, 22(2), 51-80.
Azargoon, M., Shabani, A., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Asemi, A. (2019). Factors Affecting the Use of Query Suggestion Systems: Proposing a Model based on Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach.. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 30(3), 94-116.
Abbasi Dashtaki, N., & CheshmehSohrabi, M.(2019). Google, Yahoo and Bing Search Engines' Performance in the Persian Information Retrieval: A Fuzzy and Classical Evaluation. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 30(2), 96-111.
Mohammadi Ostani, M., CheshmehSohrabi, M., Shabani, A., Asemi, A., & Taheri, S. (2019). Identifying and Determining the Attributes of Iranian-Islamic Information Context's Manuscript from the Point of Information and Knowledge Organization. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 30(1), 176-199.
Saadat, R., Shabani, A., Asemi, A., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2019). Potential of Folksonomies for Enhancing Professional Knowledge Organization Systems: a Review of Conceptions and Literature. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 29(4), 7-26.
Soleimanzade Najafi, N., Asemi, A., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Shabani, A. (2018). Scientific articles in "Internet of Things": A bibliometric and co-word analysis in MEDLINE. Payesh, 17 (5), 507-520.
Kamranian Marnani, P., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2018). The relationship between psychological capital and organizational commitment among academic libraries in Isfahan. Library and Information Science Studies, 10 (25), 179-200.
Mohammadi Ostani, M., Azargoon, M., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2018). Methodology of Construction and Design of Ontologies: a Case Study of Scientometrics Field Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 33 (4), 1761-1788.
Ghasemi, M., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & TavakoliZadeh Ravari, M. (2018). Semantic digital libraries: Study of structural and content features. Quarterly Knowledge and Information Management Journal, 5(1), 11-20.
CheshmehSohrabi, M. , & Zarmehr, F. (2018). The Need to Concentrate on Interdisciplinary in Science Classification Systems and Library-Bibliographical Classification Schemas: A Switch from Classical Logic to Fuzzy Logic. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, 10 (2), 55-79.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Saadat, R. (2018). The status of interdiscipline in library classification schedules. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 29(2), 27-50.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., Baluchi, M., & Nouri, A. (2018). Studying the Personality Traits and Demographic Characteristics of Iranian Experts in Knowledge and Information Science Based on the Five Factor Model (FFM). Journal of Library and Information Science, 8 (1), 29-54.
SeyyedHosseini, S., Asemi, A., Shabani, A., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2017). Infodemiology: a New Presence Concept in Human Information Interaction Based on Eysenbach’s View. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 32 (3), 605-630.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., Heidari, G., & Azimi Vaziri, A. (2017).From librarianship to knowledge and information science: The historiography and backgrounds of formation of the field name in Iran. Library and Information Sciences, 20(2), 3-41.
SeyyedHosseini, S., Asemi, A. Shabani, A., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2017). Information Seeking Behavior versus Scientific Publication Behavior: An infodemiological study on prostate cancer. Human Information Interaction, 4 (1), 67-79
Movahedian, G., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2017). Theoritical approaches in developments of library classification systems. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 27(4), 7-27.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Hakimaei, N. (2016). Using h-index in the evaluation of research and researcher, yes or no? Quarterly Knowledge and Information Management Journal, 3(2), 11-24.
Ebrahimi Darcheh, E., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Neyestani, M. (2016). Content Analysis of the High School Textbooks in Iran from Information Literacy Perspective. Education and Training, (125), 169-200
Sohieli, F., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Atashpaykar, S. (2015). Co-authorship network analysis of Iranian medical science researchers: A social network analysis. Caspian Journal of Scientometrics, 2 (1), 24-32.
Ebadolahi, N., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2014). The Influence of Librarians' Individual Characteristics on the Acceptance of Information Technology: A Case Study of Namayeh Library Management Software. Research on Information Science & Public Libraries, 20 (2), 371-391.
Norouzi, A., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Horri, A. (2014). Investigate the familiarity and use of indexes in the end of the book between academic members of Isfahan city based on Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT). Health Information Management, 11 (3), 334-343.
CheshmehSohrabi, M.., & Shamsi-ShahValad Aliai, S. (2014). Mapping of the knowledge map of Librarians of the University of Isfahan. Library and Information Science, 17 (1), 45-63.
Rajaei, Z., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Afshar, E. (2013). Online public relations in academic libraries. Journal of Library and Information Science, 4 (1), 135-152.
Orei, N., CheshmehSohrabi, M., Sanayei, A., & Jabbari Noghabi, H. (2013). Investigating the electronic readiness of Academic libraries in Isfahan. Journal of Library and Information Science, 3 (2), 113-132.
Bazbin, M., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Moradi, M. (2013). A study of the relationship between information literacy and evidence based librarianship: A case study of librarians of academic libraries of Kermanshah. Journal of Library and Information Science, 3 (2), 133-152.
Keyvanara, M., Ojaghi, R., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Papi, A. (2013). Typology of Plagiarism Using the Experiences of Experts in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Health Information Management, 10 (3), 449-459.
Poorhaghani, M., Afshar, E., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2012). Accessibility of printed book collection at the University of Isfahan: the tsunami of false. Journal of Library and Information Science, 3 (1), 191-206.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Shahin, A. (2012). A Comparative Study of Media Literacy: Students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences vs. Students of University of Tehran. Global Media Journal-Persian Edition, 7(2), 27-57.
Ojaghi, R., keyvanara, M., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Papi, A. (2012). Pathology Analysis of Plagiarism: A Qualitative Research. Iranian Journal of Medical Education, 11 (9), 1063-1073.
Akbari, M., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Afshar Zanjani, E. (2012). Analysis of Search Engines and Meta Search Engines' Position by University of Isfahan Users Based on Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 27 (4), 961-984.
Naqhneh Esfahani, M., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Bani Iqhbal, N. (2012). Comparative Study of the Persian and English Keywords of Theses from the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, and the Thesauruses and Persian Medical Subject Headings. Health Information Management, 9 (6), 802-813.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., Rahim-Salmani, A., & Rahim-Salmani, A. (2011). The Effect of Color on the Internal Architecture of Academic Library Space. Library and Information Sciences, 14(1), 39-70
Enteshari, F., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Afshar, E. (2011). Applicability of post graduate theses in library and information sciences in Isfahan libraries. Journal of Library and Information Science, 1 (1), 67-88.
Miri, E., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2011). A survey on Information Literacy of the bachelor senior students in Arak University of science and technology in digital environment (during 2008- 2009). Knowledge Studies, 4(13), 65-76.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Akbari, M., Afkhamnia, A. (2011). Design Standards in Central Libraries of Universities in Isfahan. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 22(3), 6-23.
Pandpazir, M., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2010). A Survey on Information Literacy of Higher Education Students in Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences Based upon Eisenberg and Berkowitz’s Six big skills. Research on Information Science & Public Libraries, 16 (2), 115-137.
Osareh, F., CheshmehSohrabi, M., & Dehghanpour, N. (2010). A study of Iranian engineering scientific outputs in science citation index accessible through dialog database during 1990-2008. Iranian Engineering Education Quarterly, 12 (48), 1-23.
Ardalan Eftekhari, S., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2010). Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Library and Information Science Journal from Spring 1377 to Spring 1387. Library and Information Science, 13 (3), 53-84.
CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2009). Scientists’ use of visible and invisible Web: an analysis based on Max Weber’s ideal type. Research on Information Science & Public Libraries, 14 (4), 25-40.
Zabet, S., & CheshmehSohrabi, M. (2008). A Review of Sociological Theories Concerning the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (Dissemination, Innovation and Possession). Communication Research, 16 (60), 37-61.
CheshmehSohrabi, M.(2000). The Impact of the Use of Thesaurus in Bibliographic Databases on Recall, Precision and Time Consumed for Searching Information. National Studies on Librarianship and Information Organization, 11(2), 59-76
Book Chapter
CheshmehSohrabi, M., (2012). Récents développements en sciences sociales : Vers un nouveau modèle d’appropriation sociale des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication. In Les technologies numériques comme miroir de la société. paris: Harmattan, p19-35.
CheshmehSohrabi, M., (2012).Culture Internet : Le rôle de la dimension cognitive de la technique dans l’appropriation sociale d’un objet technique. In Les technologies numériques comme miroir de la société. paris: Harmattan, p361-377.
Teaching interest
Information Retrieval (IR) Knowledge Organization (KO) Information Analysis Data & Text Mining Big Data Data Science Bibliometrics/Scientometrics Research Ethics Indexing & Abstracting
Professional activities
Information Analysis Projects Journal Indexing and Branding Data and Text Mining Projects Informational Counseling Research Counseling Bibliometric/Scientometric Projects Research and Policy Analysis (Journals and Universities Ranking,...) Digital Marketing Projects Document Indexing Projects Event Management Projects
Ph.D. Courses
Semantic Web and Ontology Download Syllabus
Text Analysis and Knowledge Mining Download Syllabus
Science Classification and DevelopmentDownload Syllabus
Sybernetics and CommunicationDownload Syllabus
M.A. Courses
Data MiningDownload Syllabus
Knowledge and Ontology EngineeringDownload Syllabus
Information Retrieval and StorageDownload Syllabus
Information RepresentationDownload Syllabus
Management Information Systems (MIS)Download Syllabus
Indexing and Abstracting Download Syllabus
Research Method (Quantitative and Qualitative Methods) Download Syllabus
B.A. Courses
Scientific Writing and EditingDownload Syllabus
Introduction to Indexing and Abstracting Download Syllabus
Scientific DatabBases Download Syllabus
Browse more courses taught by Mehrdad CheshmehSohrabi
Ph.D. Student
2014 Morteza Mohamadi Ostani Google Scholar
2014 Maryam Azargon Google Scholar
2015 Ali Milan
2015 Ghasem Movahedian Google Scholar
2015 Abolfazl Asadnia Google Scholar
2016 Nayere Soleimanzade
2016 Masoume Kiani Google Scholar
2017 Mitra Baghjanati
2018 Fatemeh Farkhari
2019 Neda Abbasi Dashtaki Google Scholar
2021 Hamidreza kiani
2022 Mohammad Fathi
2022 Omran Ahmadi
2023 Mona Fahimian
2023 Samira Amiri
Postdoctoral Researcher
2020 Hasan Mahmoudi in Scientometrics and Redearch Evaluation , Google Scholar
VOSviewer & other bibliometric software